As Jesus told his disciples that they were to be witnesses, pastors in churches all across America are exhorting their members each week to be witnesses as well. What we mean by witnessing, however, may not be exactly what the Lord means by witnessing. In John 21:15–25, there is a conversation between Peter and the Lord. Peter is told in that conversation that he will die as a witness. Peter is also told in the same conversation that John’s life, work, and end are none of his business! We believe, from what we understand from tradition, that Peter was crucified upside down as a witness for his Savior. John, on the other hand, may have lived to be 100 years old as a witness for Jesus Christ. They were both witnesses.
The Greek word for witness in our text is “MARTYS”, from which we get the word martyr. Jesus tells his disciples that they are to be martyrs for his cause. They were not all told how each of them as individuals would die, but they were all informed has to how they should live.
The apostle Paul said that he died daily in first Corinthians 15:31. We are told that we are dead with Christ, Colossians 2:20. In acts 5:41, we are told that the early Christians rejoiced when they were counted worthy to suffer for his sake. Being a witness may have much more to do with attitude then with actions. With the right attitude, we can all be better witnesses for our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, while we live. How this life ends is not ours to say, but until then, we need the attitude of the apostle Paul which said” for me to live is Christ!” Philippians 1:21.
we are praying for you sister Paula…
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